
Huge Tiger Shark Recaptured

Ten years to the day after it was tagged as a pup, an 11-foot tiger shark has been recaptured in the Gulf of Mexico
behemoth tiger shark recaptured
Angler Zach Wolk successfully released his catch. courtesy Zach Wolk

On October 25, 2016, angler Zach Wolk of Montgomery, Texas, caught a behemoth of a tiger shark, measuring 11 feet, 5 inches. But this shark had been caught on October 25 once before — in 2006, exactly 10 years earlier, to the day. When it was caught the first time, it measured merely 32 inches.

According to NOAA Fisheries biologist and shark expert Dana Bethea, the big female shark was measured accurately in the shallow surf at Cape San Blas, Florida, and the tag information recorded. Then, the angler released the shark safely back into deeper water, where it swam off strongly.

Tiger shark
Surprisingly, after 10 years, the tiger shark was patroling the same general area as during its first capture in Apalachee Bay, just to the east of Cape San Blas, when it was tagged by a NOAA fisheries observer. The fish is very likely prowling the same waters right now. Courtesy Google Earth and NOAA Fisheries