Pathfinder 2200 TE
I am the new owner of a 2014 Pathfinder 2200 TE. Let the fishing begin!
I began the journey to order and outfit a new 2200 in late May, blogging about the decision process and outlining the next steps, including selling my existing 2007 model. Then, Pathfinder videotaped the construction and assembly processes for the new bay boat in June, so I could share this road to purchase.
Pathfinder completed the build on June 16, and delivered it to our local dealership — Hickory Bluff Marine in Camden County, Georgia — on June 19.
Amid a busy summer schedule and a holiday week, Hickory Bluff inspected and sea-trialed the boat, and then installed a Raymarine** transducer**, a 10-foot ****Talon****** shallow-water anchor** and two ****Optima****** marine batteries**. (We also have an ****Optima Digital 400 maintainer****** and charger** to keep the Optimas fresh and prolong their use). A video of the installations is embedded here, and the blog continues below:
We took possession of the boat Friday, July 11. That same day, I completed the insurance paperwork to cover the vessel, after comparing several estimates and coverage options. The fact that my husband is a Coast Guard certified captain does help with premium costs as does my almost 10 years of testing boats for the magazine.
Our next steps include installing a RAM mount (due this coming week) to hold the Raymarine a9 and breaking in the F150 Yamaha. The break-in process allows the paired surfaces of moving parts to wear evenly, and involves 10 hours of operation at increasingly higher speeds.
If all goes as planned, we should be fishing the new Shallow Threat by next weekend. Bon voyage to all!