
Video: Yellowfin Tuna Frenzy Behind Gulf Shrimp Boats

Triple-digit tuna satellite-tagged for research

Just received a link to a Venice, Louisiana, video (see below) from Capt. Eric Newman, who works with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. The video is titled: Shrimp Boat Season.

This time of year, big yfts, blackfin tuna and sharks school up around the Gulf’s shrimp boats. As this video shows, sometimes the fish snap at just about anything.

I was fortunate to participate in such a frenzy about two years ago, post-Deepwater Horizon oil spill. It was great to see these big fish return. In the video, we see one large tuna satellite-tagged and released. Newman’s email with the link said three more tags were deployed this past week — two on fish over 160 pounds and one on a 120-pounder.
