Contact Congress Today to Stop Ethanol Idiocy
This morning I received an action alert from the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA). In short, it says that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has revised its 2014 Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs) in compliance with the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The EPA uses the RVOs to dictate how much ethanol must be blended with traditional petroleum-based fuel.
The RVOs for 2014 are significantly lower than the original projection. Unfortunately, EPA’s decision is not a permanent solution, and it could turn around and order the use of higher blends of ethanol in our fuel supply unless Congress takes action, according to the NMMA alert.
The damaging effects of ethanol fuel blends — particularly those higher than 10 percent (E10) — in marine engines are well documented. That’s why the NMMA asks all boaters to take action immediately and contact your elected officials in Washington. “Tell them that now is the time to revise the RFS and protect recreational boating,” the NMMA states in its action alert.
“EPA has proven that the RFS is outdated and not reflective of the current reality. The market does not support a mandate to use ethanol blends higher than 10 percent. It’s an unworkable law and Congress needs to change it,” according to the NMMA.
The NMMA has made it easy for us to contact Congress. This link will take you to a page where in just seconds you can make your voice heard loud and clear.
To learn ways to cope with ethanol fuel blends in your fishing boat and marine engine, check out Living with Ethanol.