Jumping Shark
Sharks have been all the rage these last couple of days. First, there was the story of the big mako caught from the beach in the Florida Panhandle. Then came the story of an estimated 1,000-pound great white landed in South Florida.
Now, from Oahu, comes an amazing video of a monster shark going completely airborne in pursuit of a tuna. And get this — it all unfolded just feet away from the kayak angler who was fighting the fish.
Isaac Brumaghim was pulling on an ahi off western Oahu, when suddenly his line angled sharply upward behind the yak and out jumped the tuna, followed closely by a massive shark, whose jaws snapped shut in mid-air, just missing the morsel by inches.
“Whooaaa!” hollered Brumaghim, who later told GrindTV, “I swear I could hear the shark’s jaws chomp closed.”
Brumaghim, who runs the kayak-fishing club Aquahunters, tells GrindTV he figured the shark to be either a big tiger or a Galapagos.
Whatever it was, the beast circled the kayak after the frothy encounter and picked off the tuna, which had shaken off the hook, right next to his boat.
The jump really was remarkable — and eerily reminiscent of the big bull shark that launched into the air to snag a redfish last July in South Carolina. Check it out here (Warning — graphic language):