The mainstream media in the United Kingdom (where for whatever reason sensational news of fish and the seas seems to be really big) offered some pretty vivid headlines, Sunday. “Monster Tuna Capsizes Hawaiian Fisherman’s Boat” and “Giant Tuna Capsizes Fisherman…” and the like. Upon reading some of the reports, it turns out that the capsized boat wasn’t a big express or center console as you might think. Anthony Wichman, the angler, was out on the tuna grounds in his 14-footer. That makes the capsizing, when he attempted to haul in a 200-pound yellowfin a little less surprising. Fortunately, the angler’s cell phone somehow still worked and, while clinging to his capsized boat, he managed to call his wife. She alerted the Coast Guard and Wichman was rescued. Somehow after all that, the tuna was towed back to shore with the capsized boat, according to these reports. I’d love to know how that all went down! (Maybe that’s the wrong phrase, in this case.)