Men have the same reaction to a Jupiter idling down the waterway as to a gorgeous, scantily clad woman: mouth open and fixed stare. Center-console boats just don’t get prettier than a Jupiter. And the company’s new 38-footer (like all its siblings) combines those drop-dead good looks with substance. Conceptualized by the Jupiter staff and utilizing lines from the infamous drawing table of naval architects Donald Blount and Associates, the 38 will surely satisfy the needs of all those making the small-boat/big-boat transition – in either direction.
The transom’s gentle curves speak of European styling, while the rest of the boat shouts south Florida. Clean lines, powder-coated metalwork, the tight-as-a-drum Weblon T-top, and enticing radius curves on the console and throughout the boat naturally appeal to the male eye. And then there’s the performance: The 38 runs well with twin outboards, but can handle up to triple 300s. It runs equally well in flat-calm and 4- to 6-foot seas. It’s dry and strong. And boy, can it fish.
Jupiter’s staff would all rather fish than do anything else, so the level of thoughtful fishing features in the 38 comes as no surprise. A comprehensive bait-prep and rigging station occupying the aft half of the helm leaning-post module contains a 53-gallon livewell. An optional insulated coffin box on the foredeck adds to fish or dry storage, augmenting twin 104-gallon fish boxes, numerous standard-issue rod holders and as many more optional holders as you wish. Jupiter also features mirror-image lockable rod storage in belowdecks compartments on either side of the console. And you’ll particularly appreciate the innovative storage compartments in both bulwarks.
The wide beam, centerline fuel tanks and ample freeboard aft make this an extremely stable and comfortable boat. It’ll keep you safe and dry while making you look good. You can’t ask for more than that.
LOA……38 ft. 2 in.
BEAM……10 ft. 7 in.
DRAFT……2 ft.
DEADRISE……24 deg.
WEIGHT……8,970 lb. (dry)
FUEL……320 gal. (475 opt.)
MAX POWER……(3) 300 hp OB
MSRP……$255,735 (w/ 3 250 hp OB)
Jupiter Marine / Fort Lauderdale, Florida / 954-523-8985 / www.jupitermarine.com