While some folks chase the latest rage, others look for the best in proven performers. Still others, like Eugene Uriarte, Black Water Boats creator and designer, couldn’t find either the rage or the proven performers that appealed to his desires and needs in an offshore sport-fishing boat. A steel fabricator by trade, Uriarte spent years designing and building custom homes. It may have been there that he developed his keen eye for custom boats uniquely designed and engineered to pamper the -competitive fishing whims of their owners.
Uriarte’s thumbprint is on each custom-built Black Water, right beside those of the new owners who partner with Uriarte on every step of the build to ensure the luxury, fishability and performance they want is infused in their hand-built fishing masterpiece. Foldaway seating pampers crews on the trek to the grounds. Performance bucket seats give solid support and ultimate control to the skipper. Choose the electronics and stereo system of your dreams. A Black Water’s frills are numerous, but they take away nothing from this brand’s solid, proven construction and tournament-ready fishability.
36 SF
The Black Water 36 SF is beautiful enough to turn heads at the sandbar, but serious fishermen who are committed to their sport gratefully admire the 36’s ability to catch fish — and get to them.
Its 10-foot beam and 36-foot length allow the hull to cut down irreverent seas like a sharpened knife. To enhance its on-plane performance, control and stability, a significant triangular pad is tucked in at the transom. It also provides the perfect place to add CHIRP sonar transducers for optimum performance. You can add up to three livewells and pressurize them with sea chests and powerful pumps.
Black Water uses a modified three-piece mold system. Uriarte’s fabricating skills are evident here in sound structural mold support that ensures rigidity and excellent parity in every boat build. The bottom is formed of solid glass, while the sides and deck are constructed with Core-Cell. All are vacuumed bagged and infused with vinylester resin. The backbone of the 36 SF is a unique pyramid-style, foam-filled stringer system that is bonded to the hull, and designed to distribute load-pressures throughout. The company believes in its hull enough to warranty it for 10 years.
MORE INFO: directboats.com