The Morning Mists of Mahe, main island of the Seychelles

Coming and Going – The Daily Flight

An Angler’s First GT — And It’s a Good One!

Snake or Fish?

My, What a Long Rod You Have!

Tuna on Top

Ferocious Tyke

The Bad Boy of Tunas

Shallow-Water Surprise

Did You Want Your Tuna Steaked or Filleted?

A Flat Without End

A Respectable Bonefish

Let Me Gooooooo!

Sharks: Hot on the Trail

When a Grouper Resembles an Exquisite Piece of Art

Time to Head Out

Bluefin Trevally

Chaos in the Cockpit

An Ocean of Yellowfin

Diving Plug Gets Nailed

A Sea Full of Wahoo.

Doubled Up on Jobbies.

Sashimi as Fresh as It Gets

Not Bad for “Field Cooking”

Potpourri off the mother ship.

Half Fish, Half Crocodile?

Houndfish up Close.

A Gorgeous Grouper.

Brad Makes a Buddy.

Untimely Demise for a Batfish; Unexpected Breakfast for a Barracuda

Not Much Gets Past a Red Bass

Bohar snapper boatside.

Even Giant Trevally Tire Out….

Bluefin Trevally.

All Lit Up.


Tuna on a Tear!

A Jobfish Shows Its Colors

Yes, It Really Is a Snapper.

Movin’ Mighty Slow

Beware of Falling Coconuts.

Formidable Arachnids.

Monster of the Flats

Ferry via Inflatable.

Rosy Jobfish, Mystery Grouper

Another Grouper, Showing its Colors.

Painted Grouper.