What is arguably the world’s most exciting fishing is the mainstay of an operation based in New Caledonia with the unlikely name of Le Poisson Banane, or LPB. Besides the productive, huge reef encircling the vast island of New Cally itself, the enthusiastic guys who run LPB fish flats with some of the largest bonefish found anywhere and more remote atolls and islets in these tropical waters. The images here offer just a taste of their remarkable fishing; as you can see, they specialize in throwing big lures (especially poppers) to very big fish.

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish

New Caledonia’s Big Fish