Kyler Vos, a 23-year-old photographer lives in Tofino, British Columbia, a scenic coastal port on the Pacific coast of Vancouver Island. He studied photography at the college level in Vancouver but says after three years was ready to forsake the urban environment to return to the island. In the past few years, he’s focused his talents and camera on both surfing and sport fishing. Most recently, Vos has spent the past couple of summers working as the official photographer for West Coast Resorts. Vos says that as a freelance photographer, he often doesn’t know where he’ll be shooting next, but he does know he’ll want that to be on or in the Pacific Ocean. Here, Vos shares some of his outstanding images taken at Hippa Island on the northwestern coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands off the northernmost British Columbia coast, where West Coast Resorts has a luxurious floating lodge. You can see more of Vos’ photography here.