The island of Grand Bahama truly is the gateway to the Bahamas. And while many use it as a launching point for the other islands throughout the Bahamas, it also offers a diversity of fisheries that shouldn’t be overlooked. Troll for wahoo off West End, head south from Lucaya for yellowfin tuna and marlin, or head all the way east for some truly world-class bonefishing.
Fishing Charters
Bahamas Fishing Charters
(800) 205-0729
Bayside Explorers
(242) 441-5099
Email: baysideexplorers@gmail.com
Fish On – Capt. Kyle
(800) 688-5871
Folley & Sons Freeport Reef Fishing/ Bonefishing / Offshore Fishing
(800) 688-5871
Guy Harvey Outpost
(800) 513-5257
Lil B fishing
(242) 351-6917
Email: lilbfishing@gmail.com
Bonefishing/Fly-Fishing Guides & Lodges
Deep Water Cay
(888) 420-6202
East End Lodge
(561) 354-8005
Firefly Bonefishing
(242) 357.5219 / (242) 439.4362
Grand Bahama Bonefishing
(242) 441-1692 / (336) 817-7395
Email: jmvoglersr@gmail.com
H20 Bonefishing / Pelican Bay
(954) 364-7590
Email: info@hrobonefishing.com
North Riding Point Club
(864) 248-6113 / (242) 727-4250
Email: info@nrpcbonefishing.com
Deep Sea & Bonefishing Guides
David Jr.
(336) 817-7395 / (242) 373-1010
Jeffrey Pinder
(336) 817-7395 / (242) 373-1010
Capt. Phil’s Bonefishing Guide Service
(242) 353-3960 / (242) 441-0863
Email: bahamasbonefishing@hotmail.com
Marinas & Accommodations on Port Lucaya
Bahamia Bay Marina
(242) 351-5063
Email: dockmaster@brownsmarinabimini.com
Flamingo Bay Hotyel & Marina
(800) 824-6623
Email: info@flamingobayhotel.com
Grand Bahama Yacht Club
(242) 373-8888
Email: info@grandbahamayachtclub.com
Knowles Marine Yacht Services & Boatyard
(242) 351-2769
Email: knowlesmarine@yahoo.com
Ocean Reef Resort & Yacht Club
(242) 373-4662
Email: oceanreef@coralwave.com
Port Lucaya Marina
(242) 373-9090
Email: info@portlucayamarina.com
SeaBreezes Marina
(242) 351-2329
Sunrise Resort & Marina
(800) 932-4959 / (242)352-6834
Email: manager.sunriseresortandmarina@gmail.com
Marinas & Accommodations on West End
Blue Marlin Cove Resort & Marina
(242) 349-4101
Email: jr@bluemarlincove.com
Old Bahama Bay Resort & Yacht Harbour
(888) 983-6188
Email: info@oldbahamabay.com
Marina & Ship Repair Freeport Harbour
Bradford Marine Bahamas
(242) 352.7711
Email: sales@bradford-marine.com or service@bradford-marine.com
Dining, Restaurant & Bars
Agave at Port Lucaya Market Place
(242) 374-4887
(242) 373-1584
China Beach at Grand Lucayan
(242) 350-5466
China Grill at Grand Lucayan
(242) 350-5466
Dive-In Bar & Grill at Grill at Unexso
(242) 373-1244
Flying Fish
(242) 373-4363
Garden Café & Bar at Garden of the Groves
(242) 374-778
Grouper Grill at Ocean Reef Resort & Yacht Club ay ORYC
(242) 373-4661 ext. 163
Hammerheads at Grand Lucyan
(242) 350-5466
Havana Cay Lounge & Cigar Bar at Grand Lucayan
(242) 350-5466
Iries at Grand Lucayan
(242) 350-5466
Paradise Cove’s Red Bar
(242) 349-2677
Pier One/East Sushi
(242) 352-6674
Plantation Café at Grand Lucayan
(242) 350-5466
Prop Club at Grand Lucayan](http://www.grandlucayan.com)
(242) 350-5466
Sabor Restaurant & Bar
(242) 373-5588
Sugar Mill Beach Bar & Grill at Grand Lucayan (242) 350-5466 grandlucayan.com
Willy Broadleaf at Grand Lucayan
(242) 350-5466
Zorba’s Greek Cuisine at Port Lucaya Marketplace
(242) 373-6137 / (242) 373-6141