Hatteras calls itself “a product of the storied coastal waters from which we borrow our name.” That heritage makes it natural, the company says, to overengineer every detail of its yachts, with inspired design, breakthrough innovation and unmatched craftsmanship.
In time, Hatteras pioneered the revolutionary convex and modified-V hull, and other hull and propulsion breakthroughs.
Among Hatteras features are double-chine and side “step-outs,” which produce dryer rides and more interior space; multiblade hybrid propellers for better fuel economy, reduced vibration and a quieter ride; deep gear ratio that improves efficiency and thrust capabilities; deep tunnel design for enhanced performance and rudder response; patented air-induction system that halves noise and vibration; and resin infusion for stronger and lighter hulls, decks, bulkheads and other parts.
All help produce the seaworthy, comfortable ride that 70 percent of respondents listed as their top criterion.
Custom finishing and design extend across every yacht element, including luxury materials, furnishings and appliances — all personalized to your needs and tastes. And then, a multiday orientation session.
It’s no wonder Hatteras is in the top handful of brands our sport-fisher respondents said they’d consider if yacht shopping.

Hatteras GT59
“Designed for speed; built for battle,” Hatteras proclaims of its GT59, a convertible it describes as tournament-ready, with integrated rigging and bow-to-stern storage.
That includes interior racks and holders for plenty of big-game rods. (Good thing: Twenty-five percent of inboard sport-fisher respondents said they carry 12 rods or more — or joke that they stash so many, they lose track!)
The GT59’s interior is also built to wow, the company says, with a spacious three-stateroom, two-head arrangement — plus the option of a third head or a tackle center. In all, three interior layouts are available.The boat’s interior exudes elegance.
Powered by twin Cat C-32A diesel engines — 1,600 hp in total, with additional options available — the sleek vessel traverses the blue at 40-plus knots. The boat was conceived and developed, Hatteras says, with “tournament life in mind.” And this speedy, accomplished seakeeper confidently claims its class’s most comfortable ride.
Survey Says: On Target
- Spacious helm area
- Plenty of rod storage
Owners Say
- Like the way it rides and the way it handles the seas when offshore fishing
- Like the flybridge/visibility
Hatteras Says
- The most comfortable ride under 60 feet
- Designed with seasoned anglers in mind
More Info: hatterasyachts.com