Hurricane Irma in the Florida Keys, Marathon
On the eve of the 2018 hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean, the International Game Fish Association (IGFA) is poised to help the recreational angling community recover from natural disasters through its Worldwide Anglers Relief Fund (WARF).
The WARF was created in 2017 by the IGFA and Costa Sunglasses to raise and disburse funds to local angling organizations and associations to help speed the recovery of recreational angling communities around the world in the wake of major natural disasters. Since its inception, the WARF fund has distributed four rounds of funding totaling $46,000 to angling communities in the Florida Keys, Texas and Puerto Rico.
“The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts a normal to above normal risk of storms this year,” said IGFA President Nehl Horton. “With one named storm already hitting the mainland U.S. in May, we know that support from the WARF will likely be needed to ensure the ongoing health of recreational fishing communities in the Atlantic basin. Through the generosity of IGFA partners, members and donors, we have funds available today to deploy to areas in need.”
NOAA forecasters predict a 70 percent likelihood of 10 to 16 named storms with winds of 39 mph or higher, of which five to nine could become hurricanes with winds of 74 mph or higher, including one to four major hurricanes.
The WARF is a resource for captains, guides and mates who are affected by natural disasters. The professional, recreational angling community is often the cornerstone of local coastal economies and the ability for these small businesses and entrepreneurs to get back on their feet after natural disasters is critical to re-establishing the cultural and financial well-being of the areas in which they operate.
“Supporting our angling communities and the waters we all love is core to Costa’s mission,” said Amanda Sabin, marketing manager, Costa Sunglasses. “We will continue to support the IGFA and the Worldwide Anglers Relief Fund through our One Coast initiative, raising funds online and through community events.”
The Guides Trust Foundation and Islamorada Charter Boat Association were the first two angling associations to receive funds from the WARF in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. The Houston Big Game Club received the third disbursement of funds for its Hurricane Harvey Sportfishing and Marine Industry Recovery Fund. The most recent disbursements of WARF funds in early May went to Club Náutico de San Juan in Puerto Rico to help in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.
To make a direct, tax deductible contribution to the WARF, consumers can go to www.igfa.org/warf, or purchase a Costa t-shirt in support of recovery efforts at OneCoast.net. The IGFA is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
About the IGFA
Founded in 1939, The International Game Fish Association is a nonprofit organization committed to the conservation of game fish and the promotion of responsible, ethical angling practices through science, education, rule making, record keeping and recognition of outstanding accomplishments in the field of angling. The IGFA also maintains world records in freshwater, saltwater, fly fishing and junior angler categories. The IGFA has members in more than 100 countries.
Jack Vitek is the International Game Fish Association’s outreach and education manager.