If all politics is local, as Tip O’Neill — the larger-than-life speaker of the house many years ago — opined, what about the economic value of recreational fishing? That question is addressed in an unprecedented report — Economic Contributions of Recreational Fishing: U.S. Congressional Districts — that has assessed the economic impact of recreational fishing in each of the nation’s 435 Congressional districts, as well as each of the 50 states.
Nothing of the sort has been compiled previously. You can see how your district and your state “scored” by clicking here.
The new report was prepared by Southwick Associates for the American Sportfishing Association (ASA). At the 30,000-foot level, it found that America’s 46 million anglers generate more than $48 billion in retail sales with a $115 billion impact on the nation’s economy, creating employment for more than 800,000 people.
According to the ASA, “The study used mapping and population software to hone in on smaller geographic areas in a way that is particularly relevant to members of the U.S. House of Representatives.”
“Members of Congress consistently identify jobs and economic opportunity as among their top priorities,” says ASA Vice President for Government Affairs Scott Gudes. “Clearly, recreational fishing is a tremendous economic driver and job creator. These pictorial reports deliver that point very succinctly by depicting for Members of Congress the economic impacts of recreational fishing in the district or state they represent.”