The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) have proposed a new Bluefish Management Plan. If approved, the new plan would transfer a portion of the Bluefish quota from recreational anglers to commercial fishermen.
For years, saltwater anglers have been fighting to conserve Atlantic bluefish. Recreational landings have consistently stayed below the quota. Now, some are requesting the unused recreational quota be permanently awarded to commercial interests.
We need your help to ensure the preservation of the recreational bluefish quota. Keeping the bluefish quota as is helps conserve the fishery and continues to provide recreational anglers with fishing opportunities when other seasons are closed.
The MAFMC is current accepting comments on this plan. Please follow the instructions below and send a message telling them you oppose this ill-advised proposal.
How to send a message:
1 – Click here to go to the Council’s online comment form.
2 – Fill out the name and email address sections, select your role and check the boxes that apply to you.
3 – Copy the Sample Message below and paste it into the “comments” section. Please feel free to add your own thoughts.
Sample Message:
As a recreational fisherman, I am opposed to the proposed Bluefish Allocation Amendment of the new Bluefish Management Plan.
Recreational anglers have been good stewards of the bluefish fishery. By keeping landings down and practicing catch-and-release, we have helped protect Atlantic bluefish from overfishing.
As sportfish, bluefish are an important fishery for the recreational sector because their seasons are often open when other fisheries are closed. Reallocating the quota could cause undue hardship for communities that depend on recreational fishermen during otherwise slow times of year.
Please reject the Bluefish Allocation Amendment. Thank you for your consideration.